Actress Kim Hyeyoon, known for her role in “Lovely Runner,” was featured in the August issue of “Singles” magazine, where she discussed her joy of visiting London and her approach to acting challenges. Her interview received positive reactions from Korean communities, praising her charm, humility, and relatability. Fans admire her both for her beauty and her articulate, genuine personality.
Interview with Kim Hye-yoon
Kim Hyeyoon, the star of the popular drama “Lovely Runner,” was recently featured in a photoshoot and interview for the August issue of “Singles.” We have selected parts of this interview and will share the reactions from the Korean community.
Experience in London
Q: Last time we met, you mentioned that you wanted to visit London if given the chance. Now you are actually in London.
A: Visiting the locations where the Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes series were filmed has always been on my bucket list. The past few days in London have been incredibly happy and enjoyable, almost making me feel like time is flying too fast.
The Journey to Becoming a Lead Actress
Q: You started acting in high school and have since grown into a leading actress. Being the main character is both an honor and a significant burden. How do you find solutions when you have concerns about your acting?
A: I try to find answers everywhere in my daily life. I often get help from my everyday surroundings, so I constantly observe my environment and watch movies and dramas closely. I also continuously ask my acting teacher questions to find answers.
Maintaining Confidence on Set
Q: When your confidence wavers or you feel despair on set, how do you heal yourself?
A: My acting professor in college once told me, “It’s important to acknowledge the parts you can’t do well.” I tend to get particularly nervous when I want to do well or feel that I must succeed. Whenever things don’t go as planned and I get nervous, I control my mindset by thinking, “Alright, I’m weak in this area, so let’s just go for it. Don’t push yourself too hard just because you want to do well; let’s do it without regrets.”
Imagining Married Life with Sunjae
Q: What do you imagine married life with Sunjae would be like?
A: Since we’re the same age, I think we’d live a playful and affectionate life, sometimes bickering but always sweet. Even in the drama, Sunjae has a bold personality and would openly express his feelings towards Sol regardless of his job or situation. Sol, on the other hand, might feel burdened by Sunjae’s straightforwardness but secretly enjoy it.
Community Reactions
The news of this interview was posted on the Korean community site theqoo, and it received comments praising her beauty and how well the photoshoot suited her. Many expressed a desire to see her act in roles with a similar vibe to the photoshoot. Theqoo, mostly consisting of female members, shows that Kim Hye-yoon is a popular actress among women.
Meanwhile, members of another female community, instiz, commented on how charming and articulate Kim Hyeyoon is. They speculate that her real personality is not much different from what she portrayed in “Lovely Runner.” Many praised her for her humble and complimentary remarks about those around her, indicating that she is an actress whom fans can be proud of.

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Such a good actress, she always nailed her roles. Love her