Nate Pann discussed aespa’s Winter’s natural makeup, noting that her eye corner and overlip makeup were considered excessive. Many users prefer Winter natural look, feeling she appears prettier without heavy eye makeup. Opinions are mixed on overlip makeup, with some finding it awkward. There is a general longing for Winter’s simpler, more natural makeup style from her earlier career.
Winter Natural Makeup Discussed on Nate Pann

A post about aespa’s Winter natural makeup was uploaded on the Korean community site Nate Pann. The author of the post appreciated Winter hair and styling but felt that her eye corner makeup and overlip makeup were excessive. Although it was stage makeup for a concert, the author wished Winter and the other aespa members would stop using eye corner makeup, as they naturally have beautiful eyes. The post included comparison images of Winter with and without heavy makeup.
Nate Pann Users Prefer Winter Natural Look
Nate Pann users generally felt that Winter looked prettier with less makeup. The most liked comment expressed amazement at how much better she looked without heavy makeup. The consensus was that Winter, who already has beautiful eyes, does not need eye makeup. This sentiment extended beyond Winter to the general public, with many users expressing aversion to the current trend of eye corner makeup. Specifically, they felt that Winter’s eyes, which are naturally wide, looked strange with eye corner makeup.
Mixed Opinions on Winter Overlip Makeup
Opinions on Winter overlip makeup were divided. Some thought Winter looked better with overlip makeup, while others preferred her without it. Winter’s natural thin lips are already beautiful, and forcing them to appear larger with overlip makeup seemed awkward to many users.
Comparing Winter Debut Makeup to Her Natural Style

Some users posted images from Winter debut, claiming she looked prettier and cuter back then. These comments received significant support. However, others countered that Winter is no longer a newcomer but a five-year veteran idol, and thus cannot maintain the same makeup style as in her debut days. Idols need to show an evolving appearance.
General Opinions on Winter Makeup Style Evolution
Overall, the consensus was that Winter makeup has become more elaborate. This includes not only eye corner makeup and overlip makeup but also thicker eyeliner and heavier blush. Many fans seemed to miss Winter’s simpler, more natural makeup from her debut and early drama days.

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I wanted to try Gucci Winter makeup look so badly